"This Bill Is Against My Existence"
We as a trans led collective come together to raise our voices against the Transgender Bill 2016, which is up for discussion in the winter session of the Parliament. This bill, if passed in its current state will set trans rights back by decades. Support our efforts and raise your voice against this.
If passed this bill will reinforce and give power the social structures that have always oppressed trans folks.
With no mention of our chosen families, the Bill gives unwarranted power to biological families that abuse us; additionally criminalizing our hijra family systems.
Going against the Supreme Court's NALSA judgement of 2014, this bill takes away the right to self determination.
"If introduced, this Bill will increase violence and discrimination towards us."
To learn more about how you can support the effort follow and write to
Make sure to sign this petition:
You can also drop us a message on our website or write to bds.samabhabona@gmail.com